How walking benefit both you and your dog

We all know that regular exercise is good for our health. However, a lot of us are still paying for a gym membership we never go. Got a pooch that is a little round as well? How about you two spend 15 to 20 minutes a day to go for a walk. The benefits of walking are both physical and social and will extend to both ends of the leash.

Benefits for your dog:

A regular walk is vitally important for your dog’s health. Some benefits of walking include assisting weight control, aiding digestive system and improving cardiovascular system. Walks can also help to alleviate the extra energy your pet may have, calming it down and reducing any hyperactivity. Most importantly, walks make your dog very happy and that’s why it is good for their mental health too.

Benefits for you:

For dog’s owner, walking can lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones and decreased stress. Moreover, spending time with your dog on regular walk will strengthen the bond between you and leads to a strong, trusting relationship.

Finally, there’s nothing like an exercise partner who’s waiting by the door with a wagging tail to keep you motivated. Use walking as an opportunity to spend quality one-on-one time with your pet while improving both your health.

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