Walking your dog – How to do it right

From the previous blog, we know that walking is vital for the health of our little pooch. It is also a good exercise to assist any weight loss program. This week will give you six tips on how to walk your dog correctly and effectively.

1. Use a harness

Forget the leash and collar if you want to burn some serious calories with your dog. Collars can compress the windpipe when pulled causing difficulty breathing or even injury. A harness is a much safer choice and can help you more easily communicate and guide your dog. Look for soft, padded straps and breathable materials to maximise comfort. Also, use a shorter leash for more control.

2. Set a time goal

30 minutes walk everyday is ideal for a normal, healthy dog. However, if your dog is already overweight or obese and has low mobility, start with 20 minutes and increase the duration gradually. Remember to keep an eye on your dog’s behaviour to see if his needs are being met.

3. Set a right pace

Walking for weight loss is very different than walking for pleasure. Make your objective to walk briskly and focused on the way “out” of your walk and then you can check the “pee-mail” on the return. If you allow your dog to start slowly, we may have a challenging time getting them up to speed. We’re here to shed pounds, pooch, not smelling the bushes!

4. Stay in control

Walking in front of your dog allows you to be seen as the pack leader. Conversely, if your dog controls you on the walk, he’s the pack leader. You should be the first one out the door and the first one in. Your dog should be beside or behind you during the walk. Walk your dog, do not let your dog walk you.

5. Rewards after the walk

Using treats or a light meal to reward your dog after the walk. Go for healthy options like a fruit or low calories treat, or otherwise all the hard work will just become wasted.

6. Monthly weight check

Monthly weight check allows you to see the progress of the weight loss program and make adjustment if needed.

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