Blame the breed

We all have that one friend who eats like an elephant but never gets fat, and another friend who could gain 2 kg after having one donut. Just like human, some dogs are at greater risk of obesity than the other due to specific physical attributes and genetic predispositions. Some breeds like Greyhounds, German Shepherds and Yorkshire Terriers are generally slim. On the other hand, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Pugs and Beagles are more prone to weight gain. Here are the reasons why and how you can prevent them from getting fat.

1. Labradors

Why – A genetic variation in labs makes them predisposed to food-seeking behaviour and weight gain. Scientists believe dogs with the gene may have been favoured because they were easier to train with treats, helping the mutation get passed down.
How to prevent – Labs love lots of playtime and are always down for a good swim. They will eat anything, so be careful not to give them too many treats or table scraps.


2. Golden Retrievers

Why – These big dogs with a bigger appetite need a daily dose of exercise to stay healthy. They’re also more susceptible to hypothyroidism—a hormonal imbalance in the thyroid that can lead to weight gain.
How to prevent – Regular exercise and a consistent diet of healthy food. While Golden Retrievers may be easily motivated by treats, it’s always better to reward them with playtime.


3. Pugs

Why – Thanks to the squished noses, even pugs at a healthy weight can have breathing problems, which can make exercise feel like a struggle. They also eat endlessly.
How to prevent – Feed smaller portions to avoid overeating. Strenuous activity can be hard on their joints and respiratory system, so aim for gentle play and short walks during the cooler parts of the day.


4. Beagles

Why – Beagles are one of a very few breeds that will literally eat themselves to death. They also have that pathetic face which helps them to get what they want.  Don’t fall for that look!
How to prevent – These tracking dogs were meant to burn calories, so take them to the park and let them run free. Divide food in smaller portions helps too.


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